Monday, September 13, 2010

Maybe I will...

Well, it's been over a year since this blog was created. I was convinced in a moment of weakness to keep a blog in order to keep in touch with friends from out west. It made sense at the time...

Somehow, when you move across the Mississippi, you all of a sudden live light years away from the west of the US. For some reason, when you live Denver or west of that, everything is so's no big deal to travel to LA, Cannon Beach, the Grand Canyon, etc. But when you live in NY, all of a sudden you are too far to visit. Brian and I have been trying to decide where we want to road trip to next, and we realized sadly that we live just as close (and perhaps closer) to Florida than we do to Denver (one of our favorite places to visit)...sad day. And now I begin to wonder when we will ever get back West. The longer I'm here, the more grounded and settled we become.

Now don't get me wrong. I love it here. I've never felt so at home and comfortable as I do in NY. When I was in High School, I couldn't wait to get out west and discover all of the landscape of the west. And I did. I travelled so much when I lived out there. There is just so much natural diversity, it's incredible. But pretty much as soon as I moved out west, I felt a longing for the quiet rural solitude of the East. There are more people to be sure, but somehow it is more spread out. I missed going to sleep to crickets and frogs. I missed the dew on the grass in the morning and the landscape dotted with silos and barns, running around barefoot, and growing things. I missed the dramatic spectacle of a field of fireflies. I missed the running streams and creeks the most. I'm a country girl at heart, and living in cities out west never took that away from me.

Now that I live in the East, and I am so far away from all of the friends and family that I hold so dear, I'm beginning to see how hard it is to stay in contact. Friends that made life bearable when it was rough, friends that were literally there for me when no one else was. Friends that understood and loved me even though we were so different (Rosa & Stephanie of course), and friends that I wish I met years before I did (Kenny and the Rowes). I feel so far away from the friends I used to talk to every day.

So maybe I will write on this blog. I happen to be on a computer for more time every day than I would ever choose, so why not? Maybe there are a few Western friends that will actually read this. Who knows? At any rate, I feel the need to write, and perhaps connect myself to friends now long lost. Someday I will probably not feel the need to write, but for now I think I need it. After all, it's not like we write for everyone else, or atleast I don't. I write for me.


  1. YES!! finally a family member I can keep in contact with through "blogging" (I really hate that word)
    Ok, in order to put a pic at the top of your blog, click on "dashboard" at the top of your blog page. then click on "design" then it shows you the template of your blog. you click on the "edit" button on the "header" box.

    let me know if that helps.

    hopefully that makes some sense.

  2. i love the new title pic. nice.

    also -- reading your blog made me miss country livin'

    dang it. i really thought i had moved on, but you reminded me how the slow, country life is still in my blood.

    you should put your blog address on a facebook post, so your friends will look at it too... it's pretty cool.

  3. You say maybe friends from the West will read your blog? OF COURSE we will! I am Esther starved, and your blog is gonna be my main source to get my fix until I get to see you my lovely!!!!!

  4. ESTHER!!! Ahhh!!! :) You found me and then, in turn, I found YOU! I LOVE YOU! I miss you like crazy. Because you are now a blogger you give me more motivation to keep up my blog as well. Yay! Yay for you and for life and for everything. I WILL see you one of these days, I just know it!!

  5. Esther :)
    I'm glad I found this. I just love you and I miss you too! I'm looking into nursing schools right now and my mom keeps mentioning ny. I think I would love it but we shall see! I will definitely follow this blog so I can keep up with you and your happy life :)

  6. So what if I found this blog two years late? I LOVE it! And I love your blog. (I may have just temporarily neglected my three children to read it.) And I love you! So keep posting as long as you feel a need and I will read it. You look and sound happy. I'm so glad. Abrazos from "out west." :)
